Sunday, September 30, 2012

Caged Bird -- Pt. 2

As stated in my previous post, "Caged Bird" is one continuous story. Part 2 picks up immediately where Part 1 left off. Comments and feedback are very much welcome.
As always, this is a work of fiction. Any similarity to people, events, and places are entirely coincidental.

Caged Bird, Pt. 2

Monday, September 24, 2012

Long Time No See

...and that whole chestnut.

Sorry about my being M.I.A., guys. New job has me pooped M-F and weekends have been reserved for outside activities, meaning I haven't been on the computer in, like, weeks. Yikes! Anyway, I've been getting emails the past few weeks...okay, okay MONTHS, asking me what in the hell happened to so and so, and what about those chapters you promised to post?

Well, good things come to those who wait. I've FINALLY got my shizz together enough to post the first chapter of my new story, which I've re-titled "Caged Bird" for reasons you guys will probably pick up on throughout the story.

A bit of info before we begin: "Caged Bird" is intended to be one story, but I thought perhaps because of the length of it, I should break it down for easier reading and whatnot. I'll probably post it to Literotica in one go eventually, but I wouldn't hold your breath. Another tidbit of info: one of the protagonists is named CAYDE. Her name is pronounced "CAY-dee", not "CADE". Just an FYI. Finally, the story is not fully edited, so if there are inconsistencies, feel free to make a comment below the post and let me know. If you do this, please refer to the EXACT LINE if you can, because counting paragraphs etc., is a tedious chore for someone with as little patience as me. =)

As always, this is a work of fiction, similar characters, places or situations are completely coincidental.
Copyrighted by LilithArchivist.

Caged Bird