Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Coffee Shop Chapter Four Teaser

Okay, okay, so I'm in a really good mood today, and I decided to post a teaser of chapter four of THE COFFEE SHOP. It's not by any means the final cut, as I've rewritten the entire thing at least six times now and I still don't have it quite right. What I'm posting is the tentative half that I'm fairly certain I won't cut (although editing is a completely different story).
Anyway, here goes:

The Coffee Shop
Chapter Four

Wonderland Chapter Seven Teaser

Alright, so this weekend is Memorial Day weekend, and as I posted earlier somewhere, I'm going back home to Austin to see my family since I've been M.I.A. since Easter. As promised, I submitted WONDERLAND Chapter Seven to Lit today, since I'm not sure when Chapter Eight will go up. It's a bit of a doozie and it took a lot out of me to write. Hopefully it answers most of the questions everyone has - and brings up more. The next couple of chapters are going to be overwhelming for me, and already I wish I could just write a big "AND THEY ALL LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTER", stick a fork in it and call it done. *sighs sadly* Obviously, I can't get my way, that'd be totally unfair to Tempest and the crew.
Anyway, before I leave, I wanted to post a teaser from Wonderland's Chapter Seven, because I enjoy messing with all of your minds. Without further ado...

Chapter Seven

Friday, May 20, 2011

Story Update

As I posted on Twitter, I submitted Wonderland's Chapter Six to Literotica yesterday. Already I can imagine what the comments will be, mainly because to many the chapter is going to look like filler. FYI: it's not.
I wrote this in the Author's Note of Chapter Six, but I'll write it here too: everything I write in those posted chapters of Wonderland mean something. I don't know how else to stress that.
I don't normally let things like petty comments or observations get to me, but when I have emails requesting that I rewrite the chapter because they hate the story line, or because they didn't take the time to read the chapter through and posted inane commentary about characters that don't make any freaking sense, I do get a little upset. While I won't go into too much detail, I will say this:

  • For Tempest's apparent "enjoyment" of her mind rape*, please read this line: "...she washed away her sweat, tears and humiliation..." Need I say more?
  • For the missing transition between chptrs 4 and 5: that was my own writer's blooper...and also slightly intentional. This, among other things, is explained in Chapter 6.
  • For those of you still confused on what the four species "really are" (this is in response to feedback I've received) click under the "Wonderland" link on this blog. As the chapters continue to post, I'll add more information. I don't want to give away secrets too early.
  • And finally, the next three chapters of this story (6, 7, 8 - particularly chapter 7) tell you basically everything you need to know. Chapter Eight is where the mayhem begins - truly - and by then, if everyone is still confused about the plot, characters, the world, what have you, I know then that I have failed as a writer.
Okay, so I've been on my soapbox long enough, but I just want anyone who is reading this to take away - if anything from this entire post - this: Every Inane Detail Means Something.
That is all,

* this is alluded to in Chapter Six via Thatcher's POV. It should explain things.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

"The Coffee Shop" Ch03 submitted

Just submitted chapter three of "The Coffee Shop" yesterday. It's a romance story I am starting to regret ever submitting. LOL. The story has kind of been on my mind for awhile, but with all the hullaballoo going on in my life, I never had time to submit it. "Wonderland", as some don't know, I had written a *very* long time ago and now, every time I submit a chapter, all I'm really doing is rewriting it (hence some continuity errors that some users have pointed out) and editing it before posting. It isn't really all that time-consuming.
TCS is different. This is all new. Every time i sit at the computer, I'm continuing where I left off. Sometimes the scenes work, and most of the time they don't. Since the story is very close and personal to me, I am hesitant to give it to an editor. The characters are closer to home than "Wonderland" and while TCS isn't biographical, it is, as I said, close and personal to me. Until chapter 3 rolls around, a lot of you are probably scratching your heads wondering "WTH is she talking about??" so I'll spare you any more confusion.
Wow, I really didn't mean to go off on a tangent there, LOL. Basically, the gist of this ENTIRE post was to say:
THE COFFEE SHOP - CHAPTER THREE is submitted to Lit.

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!!

Wonderland Chapter Six Teaser

You may remember seeing on Twitter and my Lit homepage about having a LiveJournal. Well, silly me, I didn't realize LJ didn't allow you to post separate pages. Blogger and me have a love/hate relationship, but hey -- I've gotta have my pages. So LJ is probably going to be aborted and deleted, so any teasers or more than 140 character updates will go here on Blogger.
Anyway, besides all that, here is Chapter Six teaser of Wonderland: