Monday, March 5, 2012

Return to Wonderland.


Wonderland Ch. 14 has made it to Lit.

While internally I am doing jumping jacks and cartwheels and dancing with myself like Billy Idol told me to, I am also kinda nauseated. (O.o)

I haven't written/posted anything for awhile, for many, many reasons that I'm pretty sure no one cares about,  so to have posted something after so long it's kind of like the very first time I ever submitted anything to Lit:
I'm so excited that I can't eat anything, I can't sleep, I'm freaking out that I thought posting was a good short, I'm something short of a mental breakdown.

Yea, it get's THAT serious.

Anyway, RELIEVE me of my torture by reading the chapter. Vote on it. Comment on the chapter's faults and it's highs. Tell me what you want more of via feedback. My neurotic brain will appreciate it.

Take the roundabout link tour here: links, glorious links!


Thursday, March 1, 2012


Quick update:

I just submitted "Wonderland" Chapter 14: "And the Gargoyle wins." to Literotica!!!
Expect to see it live in a few days!
Thanks to kitten2010 for editing this chapter for me -- you are a godsend!!
You guys let me know what you think, okay?
