Saturday, April 13, 2013


Two months since my last post? Sorry folks.

On the writing front, I AM writing. What am I writing? Good question, because most of it is just drabble. It's weird, having a hundred ideas and not knowing how to implement them. I have stories I need to finish (yes, yes, I read the WTF FINISH THIS ALREADY emails and the guilt just crushes me) and other stories I want to write, but...well. I can't get anything to fully flesh out. And I keep feeling like I want to WRITE, but when I sit down in front of the laptop, my brain just starts wandering like a confused monkey and I end up on Etsy.

It's sad, y'all.

Anyway, I'm writing. Yes, I'm slow at it, but my life has been really busy lately and I'm honestly too tired to put any brainpower into much of anything when the workday is finally over. One day, I'll have something else to give you guys, I'm sure of it. But for now, bear with me.

In other news, I'm now well on my way to getting my pilot's license AND my motorcycle license! =) And I'm going back to university (yay!) in the fall. This summer I'm trying to get the funds together to go abroad (I'm thinking London... :) ) and if all things fare well, I'm going to just go crazy and buy a hedgehog.

Seriously, I want one.

In other random news, I finally became one of the herd and bought an iPad. Because all forms of technology just hate me, of course it was buggy after the first sync. After a needless trip to the Apple store where the Genius wasn't really a genius and made me restore the damned thing because he had no idea what was wrong with it, it's now blaring all my AC/DC albums like a boss.

I believe this is one of life's little ironies. Hm.

Anywhoo, I'll try to update sooner in the future! Til then, LA.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Tidbits #2

In which I shut my mouth and try to not let my jealousy of Richard Siken and his bloody beautiful way with words make me do something rash. Like write a gut-wrenching love story. Or eat an apple. Or watch The Notebook.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Taking Flight -- Part Three

Well, this is it, guys. Part Three of TAKING FLIGHT. My brain is a little fried at the moment, so I'm not sure what to really post in the author's note at the beginning here other than the usual tedium: Enjoy. Don't copy without my permission. Don't let moon-eyed Goth musicians with a voice like Christian Bale's escape your French-manicured claws. Oh, and this is the final piece of Cayde and Abram's story.
You know, that old chestnut.

Taking Flight -- Part Three

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Taking Flight -- the Playlist

Some songs I hear on the radio or in movies provoke my Muse to respond. Like with Pablo Neruda, it tickles my fancy and suddenly I find myself in front of my computer typing a few lines (or when Lady Luck really likes me, SCENES, people!) or pulling out my phone to jot down some dialogue. While I was writing Taking Flight, a many number of songs gave my Muse all sorts of crazy ideas, hence why I rewrote much of TF one, two, four times over again.


Most of these songs are from the viewpoints (in my mind at least) of either Abram or Cayde. Some are from both. Like with the last playlist, if you hear any songs you like, PLEASE legally download them from the artist. Coming from the live music capitol of the world, it just IRKS me like no other when people pirate someone else's hard work. You may gain a free song (and hopefully a virus or two!) but the artist gains nothing - which defeats the point of putting out his/her art to begin with.

Okay -- I'll step off my soapbox now. (Sorry, but sometimes I just get carried away!)

Updated: with "Alternate Songs" on 2/11/13

Taking Flight - the Playlist

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Taking Flight -- Part 1

Huzzah! I've done it! It's taken me a few months, but damn, TAKING FLIGHT is here. First and foremost, I'd like to thank the Academy for their nomination and -- wait. Sorry, wrong speech. Got a little ahead of myself here...
I digress.
TAKING FLIGHT, like CAGED BIRD, was intended to be written as one story, but to save y'alls poor eyeballs, I've broken it up into parts. (At the moment, there are three.) TAKING FLIGHT is not nearly as long as its predecessor, but it packs a more emotional punch. TF flips back and forth between Abram and Cayde, as you will find out shortly, and has plenty of flashbacks, which you guys will need when you see what's coming!
Well, without further ado, here's part one of the sequel to CAGED BIRD:

Taking Flight